Carnival SURE is good at selling their Ports of Call - as if this picture they include isn't amazing enough, here is their description of Belize:
This tropical paradise promises adventure, both onshore and off. Crystalline rivers flow through impressive lowland jungles, home to a myriad of rare wildlife. Silky sand beaches, waving palms and colorful coral gardens are just part of Belize's natural wonders. Whether mountain biking through a lush rainforest or snorkeling with sharks, you'll experience things you've only imagined.
I mean, omg, who does NOT want to experience any of that? Even the words they use for these descriptions - myriad? What a GREAT word!!
dictionary.com says:
myr⋅i⋅ad Show Spelled Pronunciation [mir-ee-uhd]
1. a very great or indefinitely great number of persons or things.
2. ten thousand.
3. of an indefinitely great number; innumerable: the myriad stars of a summer night.
4. having innumerable phases, aspects, variations, etc.: the myriad mind of Shakespeare.
love that word ... myriad ...
This tropical paradise promises adventure, both onshore and off. Crystalline rivers flow through impressive lowland jungles, home to a myriad of rare wildlife. Silky sand beaches, waving palms and colorful coral gardens are just part of Belize's natural wonders. Whether mountain biking through a lush rainforest or snorkeling with sharks, you'll experience things you've only imagined.
I mean, omg, who does NOT want to experience any of that? Even the words they use for these descriptions - myriad? What a GREAT word!!
dictionary.com says:
myr⋅i⋅ad Show Spelled Pronunciation [mir-ee-uhd]
1. a very great or indefinitely great number of persons or things.
2. ten thousand.
3. of an indefinitely great number; innumerable: the myriad stars of a summer night.
4. having innumerable phases, aspects, variations, etc.: the myriad mind of Shakespeare.
love that word ... myriad ...
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