Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Take a second to relax

So, I sure had the funnest half hour of my life trying to log into this account to post more - almost gave up too! Good thing there are great people to give support and fabulous suggestions. But I did in fact learn a lesson that I feel compelled to swear - mainly because it seems fitting to share one of my favorite quotes that I tend to use as an away message.
"When angry, count to four. When really angry, swear." Mark Twain
That really is not the lesson that I learned, it is just what I did. (In my head - my roommates don't seem to appreciate the obnoxious phrases and words that seem to seep out.) The first part of the quote is really practical and a great help! But even though Mark Twain is one of the forerunners of American Literature, there just has to be a better solution than getting upset and aggravated when really angry. Trust me - I was really angry, and swearing didn't help - okay, it did make me feel a little bit better. But I can tell you that sitting back in my chair, taking my hands off the keyboard, turning and looking out the window - even just for a few seconds, and taking a couple deep breaths made the situation enormously calmer and easier to concentrate on. It helped me to rationally figure out a solution - or at least consult others for help. Point is, relax and take a deep breath. If you have to, punch a pillow - I also find screaming into a pillow is an incredible stress relief, as long as you breathe eventually.

Ya know...it also helps to write down your passwords.

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